Hello Friends!
Because of on-going restrictions regarding the opening of retail stores, we will meet virtually (via Zoom) again this month.
As we did last time, we will send out a Zoom meeting invitation around 4pm to make sure you have it in plenty of time for our 7pm meeting. So, if you’re interested in joining us, please contact Bill to let him know and give him your e-mail address.
The next book by Thomas Merton that we’ll tackle – chosen several months ago by the “elders” of our group – is:

That book also comes very highly regarded by long-time members of the group and/or long-time readers of Merton. I agree with them. Like The Wisdom of the Desert, the book Life and Holiness jams a ton of wisdom into its relatively few pages. (Check out the glowing reviews of it on Amazon’s site.)
Where to get the book? If you live in town, from Baker Book House, of course! Just give them a call and order a copy.
Please note: Baker Book House is working very hard to transition through all of Gov. Whitmer’s requirements for opening retail stores. It’s a challenge. On top of that, all distributors and publishers and delivery personnel are stretched to the limit these days, too. So we have to make sure we’re extra patient with – and extra kind to – everyone at Baker.
Here’s our reading/discussion schedule for Life and Holiness:
July 8: Pages 3-42 (“Introduction to the 1996 Edition” and “Introduction” through “What Is the Will of God?”)
August 12: Pages 43-83 (“Love and Obedience” through “New Testament Faith”)
September 9: Pages 86-119 (“Charity” through “Conclusion”)
As always, we’re here to read for fun and spiritual enrichment, not to conquer books and pages. So if we get into this book (one of Merton’s best!) and we discover it requires more time to explore it’s depths, we’ll take the time.
We’re looking forward to seeing you again Wednesday, July 8th, at 7pm, on Zoom. (Watch for Bill’s meeting invitation starting around 4pm that Wednesday night. So get your e-mail address to him ASAP!)
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