
BrotherPaulAtMertonsHermitageFrom his place in the cloistered monastery of The Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in rural Kentucky – or from his Hermitage in the woods about a mile from the monastery – Fr. Louis wrote voluminously about subjects that touched on issues important to the world.

He wrote letters of correspondence by the truckload.

He wrote volumes of poetry.

He wrote books, well over 50 of them – including his autobiography, the bestselling, The Seven Storey Mountain – that now fill libraries and book stores everywhere.

It seems Fr. Louis’ interests were exhaustive.

There didn’t seem to be anything in which he didn’t take at least a passing interest.

IMG_9414However, he wrote about – or has become known for – these themes (among countless others):

Justice/Racial Issues





Inter-religious Understanding

Zen Buddhism
