Next Meeting: April 12th @ 7pm

Our last meeting (March 8th) was delightful. THANK YOU! I don’t recall a time when nobody wanted to leave afterwards and everyone stuck around for a half hour continuing to talk. We welcomed four new people (William, Rose, Jack, and Peach) to the group, learned much from them, including how they found themselves in that … [Read more…]

Recap of January 11th Meeting – Wow!

Last night’s meeting of the Grand Rapids Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society was fascinating. One of the best yet. Thank you! To start, we watched another 20-25 minutes of the DVD about Merton’s life titled Soul Searching. Then we finished discussing the chapters on prayer in New Seeds of Contemplation that Fr. Patrick … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: January 4

In the next meeting of the Thomas Merton Society of Grand Rapids we will discuss prayer – as Thomas Merton understood it, and as he wrote about it in his important and influential book New Seeds of Contemplation. If you don’t yet have a copy of New Seeds of Contemplation, you can buy one at … [Read more…]