Next Meeting: November 8th

The last meeting in 2017 of the Grand Rapids chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society will be Wednesday, November 8th, at 7pm, at Baker Book House in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It’s our tradition to take a break from meeting in December to give everyone time to focus on Christmas with all of its unique … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: September 13th

In our September meeting, we will cover chapters 8-11 of Merton’s book Contemplative Prayer. NOTE: We will start the book discussion portion of our meeting with Chapter 11 (XI) of Contemplative Prayer. If we only discuss one chapter Wednesday night, Chapter 11 is the one to discuss. We believe its content is essential to an … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: August 9th

The next meeting of the Grand Rapids chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society will be Wednesday, August 9th, at 7pm at Baker Book House near the corner of 28th Street and East Paris in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We will discuss chapters 6-9 of Thomas Merton’s book Contemplative Prayer. Here are some suggested questions to … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: July 12

A big THANK YOU to everyone who attended our meeting this past Wednesday night. You helped us celebrate one year of being a local chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society. We are grateful to you for making our evening special. Great conversation, too. And new faces. What a blessing to spend time with people … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: April 12th @ 7pm

Our last meeting (March 8th) was delightful. THANK YOU! I don’t recall a time when nobody wanted to leave afterwards and everyone stuck around for a half hour continuing to talk. We welcomed four new people (William, Rose, Jack, and Peach) to the group, learned much from them, including how they found themselves in that … [Read more…]

Recap of March 8th Meeting

Last night’s meeting of the Grand Rapids chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society was amazing! Four new attendees. A robust discussion. People even stayed afterwards for a half hour talking to one another. No one wanted to leave. Group member (Bob Hudson) has a book about Thomas Merton coming out early next year published … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: March 8th

Our February meeting (on Wednesday the 8th) was another robust one. After watching the last 20-30 minutes of a movie about Merton’s life, we turned to the last chapter (“The General Dance”) from Merton’s book New Seeds of Contemplation – and that quickly became the springboard to discuss… …the need to focus on the moment… … [Read more…]