Next Meeting: June 10th

Hello Friends! Because of on-going restrictions regarding the opening of retail stores, we will meet virtually (via Zoom) again this month. As we did last time, we will send out a Zoom meeting invitation around 6:30pm. So, if you’re interested in joining us, please contact Bill to let him know and give him your e-mail … [Read more…]

Happy 4th Anniversary + Plan B

This month marks the 4th Anniversary of the founding of our group. Yay! Happy Anniversary to us! That’s a noteworthy milestone. And we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished together. Thank you! Nobody is sure when – or if – Michigan’s governor will allow the state to open up at the end of this month. Therefore, … [Read more…]

COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends,  I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.  Baker Book House just sent this e-mail to everyone on their list. A Message to Our Customers Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)We want to provide you with an update on how Baker Book House is addressing the coronavirus. We are proud to be members of your community … [Read more…]