No Meeting In December (Merry Christmas!)

RECAP OF PREVIOUS MEETING On November 11, 2020, Merton’s book The Silent Life became the springboard for lively discussions about the history of monastic life, Merton’s own vocation, and what we can glean from Merton’s insights to apply to our own lives.  Topics discussed included obedience, poverty, love (usually referred to as “charity” in Merton’s … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: August 12th

For our Wednesday, August 12th (2020), meeting, we will continue our now-monthly tradition of getting together online, via Zoom. In fact, we plan to meet via Zoom until Michigan Gov. Whitmer gives us the okay to meet in person. For sure, we miss seeing everyone in person. The hand shaking, hugging, and treat sharing in … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: June 10th

Hello Friends! Because of on-going restrictions regarding the opening of retail stores, we will meet virtually (via Zoom) again this month. As we did last time, we will send out a Zoom meeting invitation around 6:30pm. So, if you’re interested in joining us, please contact Bill to let him know and give him your e-mail … [Read more…]

Happy 4th Anniversary + Plan B

This month marks the 4th Anniversary of the founding of our group. Yay! Happy Anniversary to us! That’s a noteworthy milestone. And we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished together. Thank you! Nobody is sure when – or if – Michigan’s governor will allow the state to open up at the end of this month. Therefore, … [Read more…]

COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends,  I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.  Baker Book House just sent this e-mail to everyone on their list. A Message to Our Customers Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)We want to provide you with an update on how Baker Book House is addressing the coronavirus. We are proud to be members of your community … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: February 12th

The next meeting of the Grand Rapids Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society will be Wednesday, February 12th, at 7pm at Baker Book House on East Paris near 28th Street in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We will continue our discussion of Thomas Merton’s book No Man Is An Island, specifically the following chapters: Chapter 8 … [Read more…]