Next Meeting: August 10, 2022 @7pm

The August meeting of the Grand Rapids chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society is this Wednesday, August 10th, starting at 7pm! We will continue discussing Thomas Merton’s brilliant history of the Trappist Order, The Waters of Siloe.  We’ll recap these chapters, which you read for the July 13th meeting: I. Monasticism; St. Benedict; The CisterciansII. … [Read more…]

Next Meeting: July 13, 2022 @7pm

The book we chose to read and discuss next is The Waters Of Siloe, which is the book Merton wrote about the Cistercian/Trappist Order after he entered Our Lady of Gethsemani, the monastery that was to be his home for the rest of his life.  We chose The Waters of Siloe for at least four reasons: 1. The “elders” … [Read more…]