The next meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society, Grand Rapids Chapter, will be Wednesday, February 8th at 7pm in the Community Room at Baker Book House, which is near the corner of East Paris and 28th Street in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
On that night, we will begin to study Thomas Merton’s book Contemplative Prayer, which is in stock and available now at Baker Book House. Ask for it at the registers. Copies are being held for Merton group members.
Contemplative Prayer is a very good book, one that would serve you well – even if you don’t use it at our Merton group meetings. Buy it for your own spiritual growth. It’s a book well worth having in one’s library of classics.
We used to be able to post our flyers in Panera restaurants, libraries and Starbucks coffee shops. But they seem to be changing their policies about such flyers. Therefore, our ability to reach people is diminishing, and finding new attendees will be more challenging. Any help you could provide to let others know would be greatly appreciated.
We posted one of our flyers this morning in the International Thomas Merton Society Group on Facebook.
For our next meeting, please read these chapters from Contemplative Prayer:
Introduction, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Forward, by Douglas V. Steere
Introduction, by Thomas Merton
Chapter I
Chapter II
Suggested Topics For Discussion and Reflection:
1. Research who Thich Nhat Hanh is, and who Douglas V. Steere was.
2. Write down any words and phrases that are not immediately familiar to you.
3. Consider how to apply what you’re reading to your own life.
4. Bring your insights and questions to our meeting. What I can’t answer, I’m sure Jim. James, or Bob can. They’re all insightful, astute, and well-versed in Mertonology. 🙂
Also, bring your copy of New Seeds of Contemplation. We may want to finish the last chapter or two in that book as we work our way into Contemplative Prayer. We may even finish the last 20 minutes of the movie Soul Searching.
Looking forward to seeing you there next week!
The public is welcome. There is no charge.
NOTE: You can download and distribute our promotional flyer by right clicking and saving here.