Next Meeting: May 9th

At our April 11th meeting, we finished the book Love and Living.

Also, we ate some of the best oatmeal cookies we’ve ever had – baked and brought by Karen. Thank you!

For our Wednesday, May 9th, meeting we will begin discussing the Thomas Merton book The Inner Experience: Notes On Contemplation, which will be available at Baker Book House in about a week.

We’ll start with the first three chapters, plus the introduction:

Chapter 1 – A Preliminary Warning
Chapter 2 – The Awakening of the Inner Self
Chapter 3 – Society and the Inner Self

Baker Book House has ordered 6-7 copies of this book and will have it in stock soon. Don’t wait too long to buy it. They’ll go fast.

Fr. Patrick has given lectures on this classic Merton book. So when he rejoins us for our June meeting, he’ll have the floor to share his insights with us.

Another reminder: Our May meeting marks our second year as a group! To celebrate, Beth says she’s going to make and bring one of her famous cheese cakes. (It’s delicious; trust me.) If you’d like to bring something to share, please do. We’ll have plates and napkins handy.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.


Bill and Beth

P.S. HERE is the marketing/promotional flyer for our May 9th meeting. Please download it and share it with friends and family who might be interested in joining us. Thank you!

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